The knowledge given out by the command of the Great
White Lodge, first through the Initiate H.P.B.(Madame Blavatsky), secondly by W.Q.J.(Wm.Q.judge), and thirdly through the Temple.
TT 198. Hilarion.
The line of the Lodge work for the New Humanity runs
through Helena P. Blavatsky, the old Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, William Q. Judge, and The Temple of the
People. TT2 3. Hilarion.
And so, with the assistance of H. P. Blavatsky, Col.
H. S. Olcott, W. Q. Judge, and several others, this work was started, and in the course of time it took the form of what is
now known as the Theosophical Movement. LHRI.
Mr. Richard Prater, an old associate of W.Q. Judge
and a pupil of H.P.Blavatsky came to my class one day and the next week turned his entire Secret Doctrine class over to me.
I mention this for the benefit of United Lodge of Theosophists and for those who claim that the true Theosophical lineage
descends from H.P.B. via W.Q. Judge. UA 190.
W. Q. Judge, in his commentary, makes certain interesting
remarks, as follows:
"Another great difference between this philosophy and modern science is here indicated. The schools
of today lay down the rule that if there is a healthy eye in line with the rays of light reflected from an object - such as
a human body the latter will be seen, and that no action of the mind of the person looked at can inhibit the functions of
the optic nerves and retina of the onlooker.
But the ancient Hindus held that all things are seen
by reason of that differentiation of Satwa - one of the three great qualities composing all things - which is manifested as
luminosity, operating in conjunction with the eye, which is also a manifestation of Satwa in another aspect.
The two must conjoin; the absence of luminosity or
its being disconnected from the seer's eye will cause a disappearance. And as the quality of luminosity is completely under
the control of the ascetic, he can, by the process laid down, cheek it, and thus cut off from the eye of the other an essential
element in the seeing of any object." LOS 283.